Thursday 8 October 2009

if ' by rrdayud kipilng

If you can keep yuor haed wehn all aobut you Are lnsiog thiers and bianmlg it on you ,

If you can turst yusrleof wehn all men dbout you, But mkae alanowlce for tehir duontbig too;

If you can wiat and not be tierd by wntiaig,

Or bineg leid auobt, don't dael in leis,

Or benig htead, don't gvie way to hiatng ,

And yet don't look too good, nor tlak too wsie:

If you can darem - and not mkae dmaers yuor msater,

If you can tihnk - and not mkae ttghhous yuor aim;

If you can meet wtih Tpumirh and Dtseasir

And traet thsoe two iortmspos jsut the smae;

If you can baer to haer the trtuh you've spoekn

Tesiwtd by kevnas to mkae a tarp for floos,

Or wtcah the tinhgs you gvae yuor lfie to, breokn ,

And sotop and bluid 'em up wtih wron-out tolos:

If you can mkae one haep of all yuor wininngs

And rsik it all on one trun of ptich-and-tsos,

And lsoe, and sratt aiagn at yuor bniiggnens

And nveer baerth a wrod aoubt yuor lsos;

If you can froce yuor hraet and nrvee and sniew

To svree yuor trun lnog afetr tehy are gnoe,

And so hlod on wehn trehe is nhontig in you

Epxcet the Wlil whcih syas to tehm: "Hlod on!"

If you can tlak wtih crdwos and keep yuor vturie,

Or wlak wtih kngis - nor lsoe the cmmoon tcuoh,

If nheeitr feos nor liovng fdriens can hrut you,

If all men cunot wtih you, but nnoe too mcuh;

If you can flil the uigrnonvfig mnuite Wtih stxiy snceods' wotrh of dinstace run,

Yuros is the Etrah and envyeirthg taht's in it,

And - whcih is mroe - you'll be a Man, my son!

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