Beauty Secrets of the Bible Book Review
By: Carrie Lauth
By: Carrie Lauth

In this book, author Ginger Garrett introduces women to the beauty and health secrets of our ancient sisters. While few people would think of the Bible as a book of diet or health, much less beauty, Garrett shows us otherwise. She claims that ancient women had a similar desire as modern women do to be as attractive as they can. She exposes facts about the health and beauty industry that have become increasingly concerned about: that the products we slather on our skin on a daily basis are not only unregulated, but are often toxic and unsafe.
As an alternative, she offers recommendations and tips for beauty treatments that are straight out of the pages of the Bible. They are so simple that they seem almost too good to be true. For example, using one drop of honey on damp skin instead of expensive moisturizers. Interestingly, this one tip is recommended by a hot Hollywood makeup artist!
The book does a good job of using modern scientific evidence to prove the efficacy of these simple treatments. As an example, vinegar was a staple of ancient times. We now know that vinegar helps the body keep a stable blood sugar and slows the absorption of carbohydrates. Another example is flax, which featured heavily in the diets of ancient women. Flax acts as an anti-inflammatory, which has the effect of slowing aging.
The first chapter of the book helps the reader to reevaluate her current ideas around beauty by using scripture and meditation. This part of the book may not interest you if you are not religious, but it might just get you thinking about our modern cultural ideals around beauty.
Chapter Two gets to the heart of why so many women have weight issues, and what to do about it. Chapter Three points to the dangers of modern cosmetic ingredients and Chapters Four thru Seven offers you safer, natural alternatives and recipes for totally safe yet spa worthy beauty regimens. To top if off, she offers instructions on how to host a Bible Secrets of the Bible spa party. If you love to make your own beauty treatments, you will love this book.
For more natural beauty tips and resources, visit Be sure to grab your copy of the free ebook, Simply Beautiful: A Natural Mom's No Fluff, Non-Toxic Get Gorgeous Guide
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